The art of thinking clearly

"This course examines the psychological, cognitive, and social biases that influence decision-making, offering insights into understanding, mitigating, and navigating these biases in various personal and professional contexts."


103 Contents


33 Hours




54 Students Enrolled

Course Overview

Psychological Biases: Participants explore a range of psychological biases, such as confirmation bias and anchoring, gaining an understanding of how these innate cognitive tendencies can impact perception and decision-making.

Cultural and Social Influences: The course delves into biases influenced by cultural and social factors, addressing stereotypes, prejudice, and the impact of societal norms on individual and collective decision processes.

Decision-Making Pitfalls:  Participants learn to identify common decision-making pitfalls arising from biases, enabling them to make more informed and rational choices in both personal and professional scenarios.

Bias Mitigation Strategies: Practical strategies and techniques are introduced to help participants recognize and mitigate biases, fostering a more inclusive and equitable decision-making environment.

Application in Various Fields: The course provides case studies and examples showcasing how biases manifest in different fields, from business and healthcare to law and education, fostering a nuanced understanding of bias dynamics in diverse contexts.

Course Content

img 103 Lectures img 33 Hours
  • 11. Information Bias

  • 12. Social comparision Bias

  • 13. Survivarship Bias

  • 14. Clustering illusion

  • 15. Envy Bias

  • 16. illusion of attention

  • 17. Strategic Misrepresentation

  • 18. Overthinking Bias

  • 19. It will get worse before it gets better

  • 20. Paradox of choice

  • 21. Group Think

  • 22. Negelect of Probability

  • 23. Gamblers Fallacy

  • 24. Anchor Effect

  • 25. Induction

  • 26. Risk Aversion

  • 27. Social Loafing

  • 28. Fundamental attribution Error

  • 29. Effort Justification

  • 30. Scarcity Error

  • 31. Why do i feel Ashamed

  • 32. Halo Effect

  • 33. Forecast illusion

  • 34 .Framing

  • 35. Hyperbolic Discounting

  • 36. Motivation Crowding

  • 37. Twaddle Tendency

  • 38. Will rogers Phenomenon

  • 39. Law of small numbers

  • 40. Simple Logic

  • 41. Forer Effect

  • 42. Latest Bias

  • 43. Difference between risk and uncertainity

  • 44. Affect Heuristic

  • 45. Introspection illusion

  • 46. Primacy and recency effect

  • 47. The Black Swan

  • 48. Domain Dependent

  • 49. Default effect

  • 50. Deformation Professionnalle

  • 51. Zeigarnic Effect

  • 52. Feature Positive Effect

  • 53. Cherry Picking

  • 54. Reciprocity

  • 55. Intention to treat error

  • 56. News illusion

  • 57. Simple logic

  • 58. Domain Dependence

  • 59. False consensus effect

  • 60. Falsification of History

  • 61. Group Bias

  • 62. Dont be good

  • 63. Role of Luck in life

  • 64. Swimmers body illusion

  • 65. Story Bias

  • 66. Contrast Effect

  • 67. Thought Widget

  • 68.Social Proof 1

  • 69. Social Proof 2

  • 70. Because Justification

  • 71. Cognitive Dissonance

  • 72. Hyperbolic Discounting

  • 73. Association Bias

  • 74. Special Case

  • 75. Dangerous Enemy

  • 76. Contrast Effect

  • 77. Make Wrong Decisions

  • 78. Get Worst Before

  • 79. RIGHT & WRONG

  • 80. Stop This Habit Today

  • 81. Not Taken Like This Decisions

  • 82. Clustering illusion

  • 83. Better Salary

  • 84.Why we have overconfidence

  • 85. RECIPROCITY Bias

  • 86. Confirmation Bias 1

  • 87. Confirmation Bias 2

  • 88. Authority Bias

  • 89. Hind sight Bias

  • 90. Avoid problem before they come

  • 91. Most Important Resource

  • 92. illusion of changing the world

  • 93. Your Calling

  • 94. Secret of Persistence

  • 95. Law of small number

  • 96. Pratigya

  • 97. Brain stories

  • 98. Ovrian Lottery

  • 99. Avoid downside before upside

  • 100. Scoreboards Outer Vs Inner |

  • 101. Changing other is difficult

  • 102. Association Bias

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