Strategy of future

Course on the Strategy of the Future explores visionary planning, innovation, and adaptability to navigate the evolving landscapes of technology, business, and global dynamics.


71 Contents


16 Hours




2 Students Enrolled

Course Overview

Futuristic Thinking: The course emphasizes cultivating a forward-thinking mindset, encouraging participants to anticipate and proactively respond to emerging trends, technological advancements, and societal changes.

Innovation Integration: Students learn how to integrate innovation into strategic planning, exploring ways to foster a culture of creativity, experimentation, and disruptive thinking within organizations.

Adaptive Strategies: The curriculum focuses on developing adaptive strategies that can withstand uncertainties and rapid changes, ensuring organizations remain agile and resilient in the face of evolving challenges.

Scenario Planning: Participants engage in scenario planning exercises, honing their ability to envision and prepare for multiple plausible future scenarios. This helps them develop strategies that are robust across a range of potential futures.

Global Dynamics: The course delves into the complexities of global dynamics, equipping students with the knowledge to navigate geopolitical shifts, international markets, and cross-cultural considerations in their strategic decision-making processes.

Course Content

img 71 Lectures img 16 Hours
  • 1. Greatest CEOs of world Preview

  • 2. Size of 3 biggest companies Preview

  • 3. Look forward reason backward Preview

  • 4. This is game theory Preview

  • 5. Vision of future with detail Preview

  • 6. How Best CEOs decide what not to so Preview

  • 7. Bill Gates & Steve never did this Preview

  • 8. Product is your best marketing Preview

  • 9. How Apple stole GUI from Xerox Preview

  • 10. Why Bill Gates invested in DOS & Windows Preview

  • 11. Know your Business competition

  • 12. Bill Gates invested Billions of dollars

  • 13. Bill Gates packed MS word & excel

  • 14. Steve Jobs gave apple 4 big points

  • 15. Intel and Microsoft learnt internet

  • 16. Bill Gates won internet race

  • 17. Lessons from biggest masters

  • 18. Bill Gates made big bets

  • 19. Steve Jobs works on Best computer

  • 20. Steve Jobs spent 1 billion $ on Mac

  • 21. Intel took big risks

  • 22. Steve Jobs Apple & Mac

  • 23. Bill Gates and Steve jobs both

  • 24. Microsoft & Nokia

  • 25. How apple brought ipod iPhone iPad

  • 26. Why intel & Nike Same

  • 27. Failures of Intel

  • 28. Bill Gates Biggest Mistake

  • 29. Lesson from Bill Gates

  • 30. Bill gates made Platform

  • 31. Platforms Vs Product

  • 32. Bill Gates tricked IBM

  • 33. Intel Big Bold Decision

  • 34. Steve Jobs 20 yrs for iTunes

  • 35. Steve Jobs Missed Platform

  • 36. Intell & PC technology

  • 37. Microsoft open & Closed Platform

  • 38. Intel chicken egg Problem

  • 39. Bill Gates Steve Jobs

  • 40. Andy Groves & Bill Gates were clear

  • 41. Steve Jobs iphone ipod were platform

  • 42. Steve Jobs Platform Strategy

  • 43. Sumo & Judo of Business

  • 44. Business Tactics

  • 45. Steve Jobs just a guy with idea

  • 46. Use Misdirection

  • 47. Bill Gates near IMB

  • 48. Why Microsoft & Apple collaborated

  • 49. Simple strategy of Bill Gates & Steve Jobs

  • 50. Use your weight around

  • 51. Fill all Gaps

  • 52. Fill all GapsIntell & Apple Segmented Market

  • 53. Playing Hardball

  • 54. Follow rules also

  • 55. Execution is King

  • 56. Know your strengths & weakness

  • 57. Bill Gates core was software

  • 58. Andy Groves discipline culture

  • 59. Steve Jobs design and ease

  • 60. Bill Gates leverage points

  • 61. Steve Jobs core was Details

  • 62. Balance of Big Picture & Details

  • 63. Corporate Meeting at Intel

  • 64. Best time to learn

  • 65. Steve Jobs Strategy

  • 66. Apple Hired Best

  • 67. Hire the best and better

  • 68. Bill Gates Businesses Speed of Thought

  • 69. All 5 rules of business

  • 70. Google Facebook & Amazon

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