SPMT - Spiritual Masturbation: Brahmacharya and Healthy Sexuality

Unlock a profound understanding of Brahmacharya and sexuality, fostering healthier relationships with self and partner.

Transcend societal taboos, empowering yourself with a holistic and spiritually-grounded perspective on intimate inclinations.


127 Contents


31 Hours




25 Students Enrolled

Course Overview

Venture into a transformative exploration of sexuality, self-awareness, and spiritual enlightenment with our SPMT course. Drawing from the principles of Brahmacharya and modern understandings of sexual well-being, this course provides a holistic perspective on our intimate inclinations.

What You'll Learn:

1.Understanding Brahmacharya: Dive deep into the ancient concept of Brahmacharya, unraveling its meanings, significance, and practical applications in the modern world.
2.The Spectrum of Sexuality: An unbiased examination of sexuality, encompassing topics such as sex, nudity, porn, and masturbation, presented in an enlightening and educational manner.
3. Embodiment and Self-Acceptance: Learn to foster a nurturing relationship with your own body and mind, empowering yourself to view and treat your body with respect and admiration.
4. Healthy Relational Dynamics: Equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to engage in a fulfilling relationship with your life partner, devoid of complexities and misconceptions related to sexuality.
5.Transcending Taboos: Challenge and overcome societal stigmas and personal biases to achieve a comprehensive and liberated understanding of sexual wellness.

Whether you're single, committed, or exploring, this course aims to provide a non-judgmental, open-minded space to understand and navigate the intricate web of human sexuality. By the end of SPMT, you'll be better prepared to approach your sexuality with clarity, acceptance, and a sense of spiritual grounding.

Course Content

img 127 Lectures img 31 Hours
  • 1. Best course on sexual maturity Preview

  • 11. Children and intimacy

  • 12. Complexity of childhood

  • 13. No FAP program

  • 14. Body without clothes

  • 15. Pgraphy & kids

  • 16. Attraction to same

  • 17. Free child needs no free love

  • 18. Abortion

  • 19. Unfree child

  • 20. How they learn to lie

  • 21. Reality of girls in this world

  • 22. Tail wagging dogs

  • 23.How children are spoiled

  • 24. Slave family binds the child

  • 25. Free child

  • 26. Freedom is not license

  • 27. Respect each other rights

  • 28. Why children do not bother

  • 29. How to get rid of this habit

  • 30. Guilt Kya kaon kaise

  • 31. Creative freedom

  • 32. FREEDOM

  • 33. Approval

  • 34. Taking sides

  • 35. Our prison psychology

  • 36. Fear

  • 37. Fear vs anxiety

  • 38. Good and bad houses

  • 39. With fearless kids

  • 40. Inferiority

  • 41. Fantasy & inferiority

  • 42. Help me get rid of this habit

  • 43. Kids & property

  • 44. Responsibility

  • 45. Destructiveness

  • 46. Why we loose control

  • 47. Meditation & Brahmacharya

  • 48. Heal the jealousy

  • 49. Conscious & unconscious s.x

  • 50. How to watch desires

  • 51. Lies

  • 52. Lies and dishonesty

  • 53. The best lie

  • 54. Fear = lie

  • 55. Duty and responsibility

  • 56. Obedience is 2 way

  • 57. Happy home sad home

  • 58. Their discipline are hidden anger

  • 59. Secret of happy world

  • 60. Reward & Punishment

  • 61. Cruelty and bodys urge

  • 62. Never beat children

  • 63. 3 kinds of punishments

  • 64. Excrement and urine

  • 65. Because both organs are near

  • 66. Food and kids

  • 67. Food is more important than all

  • 68. Sleep

  • 69. Cleaning & cloths

  • 70. Cloths

  • 61. Cruelty and bodys urge

  • 62. Never beat children

  • 63. 3 kinds of punishments

  • 64. Excrement and urine

  • 65. Because both organs are near

  • 66. Food and kids

  • 67. Food is more important than all

  • 68. Sleep

  • 69. Cleaning & cloths

  • 70. Cloths

  • 71. Krishnamurti on chastity

  • 72. J Krishnamurti on brahmacharya

  • 73. J Krishnamurti on Chastity

  • 74. Why brahmacharya such big problem

  • 75. Compassion is the solution

  • 76. Regulated industry

  • 77. Good Manners

  • 79. Freedom from sham

  • 80. Money & kids

  • 81. Kids & Humour

  • 82. Religion

  • 83. Fearless kids

  • 84. Religion & kids 3

  • 85. Morals and kids

  • 86. Problem child

  • 87. Stealing and kids

  • 88. Influence on kids

  • 89. Kids need respect

  • 90. Cruelty on kids

  • 91. Source of criminality

  • 92. Stealing

  • 93. Delinquency

  • 94. Problem children

  • 95. Perfect school

  • 96. How to help them

  • 97. Road to Happiness

  • 98. Love & Hate

  • 99. Possessing kids

  • 100. Spoiling children

  • 101. Power struggle

  • 102. Love or hate rules

  • 103. Jealousy

  • 104. Jealousy 2

  • 105. Divorce

  • 106. Parents anxiety

  • 107. Free kids

  • 108. Effect of angry parent

  • 109. A good parent

  • 110. Lessons for good parent

  • 111. Pro vs anti life

  • 112. Why people end their lives

  • 113. Will power

  • 114. Summerhill students

  • 115. Happiness

  • 116. Corporeal punishments

  • 117. Why is he naughty