Save money

Timeless lessons on wealth , greed and happiness 


77 Contents


18 Hours




9 Students Enrolled

Course Overview

1 - No One’s Crazy

  • we’re all biased by our lives - everyone thinks and acts differently and we all have good reason to
  • “We all think we know how the world works, but we’ve all experienced only a tiny fraction of it.”
  • we can’t really take advantage of history, because reading about history is not the same as experiencing it
  • also, the history of saving money is very short - not much to learn from (this is what I find frustrating about the software industry, as well, by the way)

2 - Luck & Risk

  • “Nothing is as good or bad as it seems”
    • success or failure always has to do with luck or risk
    • but we don’t talk about it because it’s rude to imply that someone else’s success has been luck
  • “Not all success is due to hard work, and not all poverty is due to laziness.”
  • we should focus more on broad patterns than on individual stories about success of failure

3 - Never Enough

  • some people that own unimaginable amounts of money risk everything to get even more money
  • “There is no reason to risk what you have and need for what you don’t have and don’t need.” (This strikes me as a very healthy mindset when working with your money)
  • “Life isn’t any fun without a sense of enough” - you can never enjoy the status quo if you always want more
  • social comparison is a game you can’t win unless you’re the richest person in the world (which you probably aren’t)

4 - Confounding Compounding

  • “You don’t need tremendous force to create tremendous results.”
    • the ice ages started because every year, a bit more snow was left over from last winter which eventually compounded to a thick layer of ice
  • Warren Buffet got a return of about 22% on his investments every year on average - he’s only as wealthy as he is today because he’s been doing it forever
  • “The most powerful and important book [about investing] should be called ‘Shut Up and Wait’”

5 - Getting Wealthy vs. Staying Wealthy

  • getting money is a very different skill from keeping money
    • getting money requires taking risks
    • keeping money requires humility and paranoia about not losing what you have
  • the key to successful investment is survival - stick around long enough to let the compunding work for you
  • be financially unbreakable instead of going after the big returns
  • allow for error in your financial planning to become financially unbreakable
  • be short-term paranoid to keep your wealth and long-term optimistic to grow it

Course Content

img 77 Lectures img 18 Hours
  • 1. Let me convince you to Save Money Preview

  • 2. To create wealth Preview

  • 3. Ego wont let you get wealthy Preview

  • 4. Different people invest differently Preview

  • 5. Why people buy lottery tickets Preview

  • 6. Money is very recent investment Preview

  • 7. Why Bill Gates is a super lucky person of Earth Preview

  • 8. For every Bill Gates there is a Kent Evans Preview

  • 9. We discount the role of luck in our lives Preview

  • 10. Learn what works Preview

  • 11. Line between bold & reckless can be thin

  • 12. Be careful who you praise

  • 13. Blunders we do in a rush

  • 14. Bernie Madoff ran a big business before doing wrong

  • 15. Stay Focused, Avoid Social Comparisons

  • 16. Modern capitalism is pro

  • 17. Simon 66% Return: Beyond Imagination

  • 18. Wealth: Earning Vs Maintaining

  • 19. Money Success "Survival"

  • 20. More thanks big returns

  • 21. Compounding does not rely on earning big returns

  • 22. Financial freedom means

  • 23. Positive About Future, Cautious of Obstacles

  • 24. Long tail is perhaps most difficult business

  • 25. Huge Success then it Failed

  • 26. Tail event is rare

  • 27. Napoleon definition of military genius

  • 28. Higest form of wealth is ability to say

  • 29. Using money to buy time

  • 30. The highest form of wealth is the ability

  • 31. It is a dream to have a dream car

  • 32. Save Money

  • 33. Wealthy vs Rich

  • 34. You can not see wealth

  • 35. You are not a spreadsheet

  • 36. Academic Finance

  • 37. Why you should love your investments

  • 38. Why invest in promising companies

  • 39. History is the study of change

  • 40. Bill gates could have died from Polio

  • 41. S&P Stock Secret

  • 42. Learn from Casino Players

  • 43. Benjamin Graham says on Room for Error

  • 44. What Bill gates learnt from warren buffet

  • 45. Russian Roulette

  • 46. Why Margin For Error is very important

  • 47. You will Change (Long term plan)

  • 48. Avoid extreme end of financial planning

  • 49. We should accecpt reality of changing our mind

  • 50. Why blame placed on CEO Jeff Immelt

  • 51. Nothing is Free

  • 52. Market will always send bills

  • 53. Why so few willing to pay the price of success

  • 54. $8 trillion loss, why bubbles keep happening

  • 55. Dangerous Notion

  • 56. Housing Bubble

  • 57. Rational People Chase only Profit

  • 58. People have different goals

  • 59. Pessimism is Seduction

  • 60. Pessimism sounds smarter

  • 61. Pessimism is Biological

  • 62. Captures everyone Attention

  • 63. Too slow to notice

  • 64. Growth is Slow

  • 65. When you will believe anything

  • 66. Appealing fiction

  • 67. You will believe anything when stakes are high

  • 68. High stakes and lack of information

  • 69. Want vs need to be true

  • 70. We fill our gaps with lovely stories

  • 71. Field of precision Vs uncertainty

  • 72. Field of precision and field of uncertainty

  • 73.Save Money- Revision 1

  • 74. Save Money- Revision 2

  • 75. Cost of success & Revision

  • 76. Why learning wealth is Difficult