Power of now With Eckhart
18 Contents
7 Hours
15 Students Enrolled
1. Eckhart on Obstacle to enlightenment
2. Being vs God
3. Biggest Obstacle on self Realisation
4. Do not let your mind control you
5. Rising Above Thoughts
6. I Do not Want to Lose my Ability to Analyze Thinking
7. Emotions kya hai
8. Who is Right ? Emotions OR Body
9. Difficult to Observe Emotions
10. Fear is the Primordial Emotion
11. Practical , Part of Dualstic Mind
12. Do we need to cut Bonds of Desire
13. Primary Cause of Pain - 2 Layers of Pain
14. Way Out of Pain
15. ये है सभी Problems का जड़ | Root of all problems
16. Power of now - Watching the thinker
17. Create no more pain in the present
18. Why are you addicted to overthinking