Nisargadatta I am that

"A course inspired by Nisargadatta Maharaj's 'I Am That' delves into the profound wisdom of self-inquiry, exploring the essence of existence, consciousness, and the transformative power of realizing the eternal 'I am' within the context of nondualistic philosophy."


13 Contents


4 Hours




1 Students Enrolled

Course Overview

  • Acquire a deeper comprehension of non-dualistic Advaita philosophy and its practical implications for daily life.
  • Understand and experience the essence of the statement "I Am," leading to self-realization and inner tranquility.

Why You Should Join:

  • If you're seeking to transcend mundane realities and touch the infinite consciousness within, Nisargadatta's wisdom offers a direct path.
  • This course is for those ready to challenge their perceptions of self and reality, leading to profound spiritual awakening.

Course Content

img 13 Lectures img 4 Hours
  • 1. Go beyond Body Preview

  • 2. Who was He Introduction Preview

  • 3. Your World is illusion Preview

  • 4. Detachment Preview

  • 5. What is Meditation Preview

  • 6. Being With Soul

  • 7. You are Not Common Man

  • 8. How to Progress Spirituality

  • 9. After I got Enlightened

  • 10. Dose Awareness Last

  • 11. Desirelessness

  • 12. Controlling Mind