Little changes

Tiny adjustments leading to significant impact "Evolution in every small step".


46 Contents


12 Hours




12 Students Enrolled

Course Overview

In the pursuit of personal growth and development, the power of little changes often goes unnoticed. While grand gestures and massive shifts can be impressive, it's the subtle, day-to-day alterations that lay the foundation for lasting transformation. By introducing minor modifications into our routines, we sidestep the overwhelm and resistance that come with drastic changes, making the process more sustainable and less daunting.

Course Content

img 46 Lectures img 12 Hours
  • 11. Simple ways to change habits

  • 12. 4 parts of habit

  • 13. Make it Obvious

  • 14. How to make it Conscious

  • 15. Best way to start a new habit

  • 16. Stacking simple plan to overhaul your habits

  • 17. Motivation is Overrated

  • 18. Environment for Success

  • 19. Amazing technique to change your old habit

  • 20. The secret to self control

  • 21. How to make habit irresistible

  • 22. Dopamine driven feedback loop

  • 23. The role of family and friends in shaping your habits

  • 24. Why do we copy others

  • 25. How to find your bad habits

  • 26. Reprogram your brain

  • 27. Walk slowly but never walk backwards

  • 28. Law of least effort

  • 29. How to achieve more with less effort

  • 30. Prime the environment for future use

  • 31. Two Minute rule to beat procrastination

  • 32. Making bad habits impossible

  • 33. Make it Satisfying

  • 34. The mismatch between

  • 35. Start feeling successful

  • 36. How to keep your habits on track

  • 37. Benefits of tracking habits

  • 38. Tracking habit is satisfying

  • 39. How accountability partner can change everything

  • 40. Habit contract

  • 41. Truth about talent

  • 42. How your personality influences your habit

  • 43. Game where the odds are in your favour

  • 44. How to stay focused when bored

  • 45. Downside of creating good habit