Hard Thing About Hard Things

This series is about most difficult questions of a business answered the book hard things about hard things 


8 Contents


2 Hours




0 Students Enrolled

Course Overview

A course called "The Hard Thing About Hard Things" is designed for business owners. It discusses the difficult issues and choices that arise from it, such as when something goes wrong or you have to make difficult decisions. You will receive helpful guidance from the course on how to manage these difficulties and be a capable leader.

Course Content

img 8 Lectures img 2 Hours
  • 1. Lies that losers tell Preview

  • 2. Secret ways we run away from our business issues Preview

  • 3. Nobody Cares

  • 4. Take Care of People, Product and Profit

  • 5. Good Place to Work

  • 6. How to stop office politics

  • 7. How to give promotions & title to your employees

  • 8. When smart people are bad employees