"The Product Building course guides participants through the end-to-end process of conceptualizing, developing, and launching successful products, emphasizing market research, user-centered design, and iterative prototyping for innovation."


57 Contents


21 Hours




3 Students Enrolled

Course Overview

Market Research and Identification of Needs: Participants learn how to conduct thorough market research to identify gaps, trends, and customer needs, providing a solid foundation for creating products that address genuine market demands.

User-Centered Design: The course emphasizes the importance of user-centric approaches, teaching participants how to empathize with end-users, gather feedback, and iteratively refine product designs to ensure optimal user satisfaction.

Prototyping and Iterative Development: Practical skills in prototyping and iterative development are honed, enabling participants to build and refine prototypes quickly, incorporating user feedback and adapting to evolving requirements throughout the product development lifecycle.

Go-to-Market Strategies: Participants explore effective go-to-market strategies, covering aspects such as pricing, distribution, and promotion, ensuring they understand how to position and launch their products successfully in the marketplace.

Product Lifecycle Management: The course provides insights into managing products through their lifecycle, including strategies for sustaining product relevance, handling updates, and addressing market shifts, preparing participants for long-term product success.

Course Content

img 57 Lectures img 21 Hours
  • Perfect question for right question Preview

  • Tony Fadells #1 MISTAKE Preview

  • Second mistake try fail Preview

  • Everything ended in failure Preview

  • Get a job but real one Preview

  • How to build world changing product Preview

  • Before he was offered ipod Preview

  • Overnight success takes at least 10 to 15 years Preview

  • future billionaire need to worry about COGS & CAC Preview

  • No one makes profit in 1st version Preview

  • Making intangible tangible

  • Why Branding Is Important

  • Make product, Fix product, Build business

  • Ask These Questions To Grow Your Product Like Apple

  • How To Tell Stories That Make People Buy Your Product

  • Build What is a good story

  • Evolution vs Disruption vs Execution

  • three reasons why disruptions fail

  • ipod - disrupt or end

  • Peak of disruption

  • Use this formula of Apple in your Product to GO VIRAL : HeartBeat

  • rhythm of product development

  • Predictable heartbeat

  • your 1st adventure

  • This saved apple

  • This is adventure

  • How to build your team

  • 7 hiring rules of Apple

  • Why you need Graduates

  • Process of hiring

  • Most important questions in interview

  • Culture from day one

  • How to send employees out

  • Breaking point of all growing businesses

  • How to grow your company from 15 to 300 employees

  • Growing company needs this - Specialization

  • When should we appoint a director

  • meetings

  • Chief work of Human resources (HR)

  • Key role of CXOs

  • Culture

  • Take culture very seriously now

  • Why & how to prepare for breakpoints

  • Design for everyone

  • design in house

  • To design, see problem as problem

  • How to design your brand & name

  • Two methods to the marketing

  • Marketing means this

  • Marketing architecture

  • Marketing - write pain points extremely well

  • messaging activation matrix

  • Marketing & Role of lawyer

  • Discover the secret method to skyrocket your marketing result

  • Marketing is difficult yet can be learnt

  • The secret to startup success: Guide to Product Market Fit