Steve Jobs

The course explores Steve Jobs' transformative impact on technology, innovation, and leadership in one comprehensive study.


29 Contents


7 Hours




3 Students Enrolled

Course Overview

1.Visionary Leadership: Examine Steve Jobs' unique approach to leadership, focusing on his ability to envision and drive innovation in the tech industry.

2.Product Design and Innovation: Learn about Jobs' philosophy on design and innovation, highlighting his emphasis on simplicity, user experience, and cutting-edge technology.

3. Marketing Genius: Study Jobs' exceptional marketing strategies, including brand building, storytelling, and creating a loyal customer base.

4.Business Strategies: Understand the business tactics Jobs employed to revitalize Apple, including strategic decisions, product launches, and market positioning.

5. Personal and Professional Journey: Explore the highs and lows of Jobs' career, from founding Apple and NeXT to his time at Pixar and his triumphant return to Apple, drawing lessons from his resilience and adaptability.

Course Content

img 29 Lectures img 7 Hours
  • 11.Steve Job quest for enlightenment

  • 12 Bright Side of Steve Jobs

  • 13. Breakout

  • 14.Steve job rough

  • 15.Steve Jobs

  • 16.Steve jobs

  • 17.Steve jobs Mike Markkula

  • 18.Apple 2 | Regis McKenna

  • 19.Apple 2 | Mike scott

  • 20 May - Apple 2 | Steve Jobs | Crisann & Lisa

  • 21.New Baby

  • 22.Xerox PARC

  • 23.Great artist steal

  • 24. Steve Jobs - going public 6 June 22

  • 25. Birth of Mac

  • 26. Mac story - Apple story

  • 27.Steve Jobs - Reality distortion field

  • 28.Crazy way to motivate A class people

  • 29.Apple design | Steve Jobs