Reincarnation: Insights from "Many Lives, Many Masters"

"A course on the Truth of Reincarnation explores the cultural, religious, and philosophical perspectives surrounding the concept, examining historical beliefs, contemporary discussions, and the scientific scrutiny of claims, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of this intriguing and debated phenomenon."


39 Contents


15 Hours




5 Students Enrolled

Course Overview

Historical and Cultural Context: Delve into the historical roots and cultural variations of reincarnation beliefs, exploring how different societies have conceptualized and integrated the idea into their spiritual frameworks.

Religious Perspectives: Examine how major world religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, view reincarnation and the role it plays in their respective theological doctrines. Contrast these perspectives with other religious views and explore commonalities and differences.

Philosophical Inquiry: Engage in philosophical discussions on the nature of consciousness, identity, and the moral implications of reincarnation. Analyze the logical foundations and ethical considerations associated with the concept.

Scientific Examination: Investigate scientific studies and critiques related to claims of reincarnation. Explore the challenges and limitations of applying scientific methodologies to phenomena that often fall outside the realm of empirical observation.

Contemporary Debates: Explore modern discussions and controversies surrounding reincarnation, including case studies of individuals claiming past-life memories and the intersection of these beliefs with psychology, parapsychology, and the broader scientific community.

Course Content

img 39 Lectures img 15 Hours
  • 1. Best book on past life Regression and Rebirth Preview

  • 1. Past life Regression and Rebirth Preview

  • 2. First time Catherine met me Preview

  • 3. Catherine went into past Preview

  • 4. Many lives many masters Preview

  • 5. Catherine came back again Preview

  • 6.Many lives many master

  • 7. Many Lives Many Masters

  • 8. Waiting for higher help

  • 9. Many Masters many lives

  • 10. Many lives many masters

  • 11. Equality of all

  • 12. Coming of child to world

  • 13. Jacob met the monk

  • 14. That light

  • 15. Why am I born

  • 16. Many lives ago

  • 17. Many lives ago

  • 18. In religions name

  • 19.What to learn

  • 20. Floating spirit

  • 21. Mystical experiences are more common

  • 22. No hasty judgments

  • 23. Learning here and there

  • 24. Anaesthesia & us

  • 25. Psychic connect

  • 26. To ancient life

  • 27. Dying of cancer

  • 28. Great progress

  • 29. Layers of existence

  • 30. Seven levels of astral plane

  • 31. Healed out

  • 32. Jumping to future

  • 33. Catherine was anxious

  • 34. Psychic confirmation

  • 35. Not natures way

  • 36. Question of equality

  • 37. Inequalities everywhere

  • 38. Messages from masters